Update & Survey


Me, back at the Cathay Center — one of the few places I can get wifi service without first registering via the mobile phone which I do not have.

I have arrived in Singapore but I am far from settled in.  My home currently lacks plumbing and electricity, and I’m encountering a host of issues with my newly-purchased USB modem (I had the option to try it out in the store but that seemed like too much trouble.   Now, of course, I must return to the store immediately, which is far more trouble.)  And, my gadget-consolidation plans have failed… my new Singapore-compatible Android telephone is probably sitting on my stoop in Minneapolis, but an equivalent model seems to cost $400 over here, so instead I will be carrying any number of different wireless devices for different purposes.

Anyway, enough of my kvetching — I really meant this to be a meta-post asking the question:  do y’all want me post about what I eat while I’m over here?  It could get boring after a while.

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