Supposedly this species isn’t as demanding of soft, acid water as other Parosphromenus. I have a group of 5 in an 8-gallon tank; know they’re in pure r/o water but previously they were in half r/o half tap and they don’t seem to mind much.
They spawned in a 1/2″ pvc cave. As with others in the genus, they seem to only spawn when the heat spikes into the mid 80’s. Now that it’s cooler I see males tending bubbles frequently but haven’t seen eggs in some time. Contrary to reputation, the spawns that I have collected have been small, only a dozen fry or so.
These fish were wild-caught in the Sirindhorn peat swaps of Narathiwat Province, South Thailand. One of the fish (the one in the photo) has an unusual divided dorsal fin; the others showed a normal single fin.