‘Banded Bushfish’

I bought a group of young fish at an auction; I believe they were raised by Mike Fries. I kept the group in a 30″/25 gallon tank and they got along fairly well but I waited forever for them to spawn and/or be sexable. They did get bolder bands and/or faint stripes from time t time but it was never obvious to me if that implied sex. Finally I had to just take a guess when pairing them up, going more by body-type than coloration.
Once a pair was isolated it did spawn eventually, building a standard surface bubblenest. The fry were quite a bit bigger and sturdier than your average Asian gourami fry and I raised quite a lot of them. It’s really a sharp-looking fish, but not flashy enough to make it into an average community tank.
I should note that the ‘micro’ in the genus name is compared to full-sized bushfish which are big, saucer-sized predators. When fullygrown the fasciolatum were about the the size of macropodus or largish dwarf gouramis.