Simpsonichthys constanciae Barra De Sao Joao

This is a Brazilian annual, likely no longer possible to import but there seem to be some commercial breeders maintaining the species.

I put the spawning pair in a 2-gallon drum bowl with several inches of peat on the bottom. After a couple of weeks I strained the peat with a net and set it out on butcher paper to dry overnight, then bagged it up and waited. I don’t recall how long the wait was, but probably 6 six months or so.

As with most annuals, I never saw any eggs, I just dried and stored the peat on faith, and then soaked it after it seemed like it had been a good long while. The eggs hatched quickly and the fry were large and easy to feed.

I credit my success with South American annuals with using just an enormous amount of peat. When I use a single pellet for Nothobranchius the peat often gets far too dry while incubating; that’s much less of an issue with big double-fistful.