Parosphromenus sp. ‘jambi’

This is another species I got courtesy Brian Martineau of the Parosphromenus Genetic Resource Center. They have blue-green unpaired fins and are fairly camera shy so I don’t have a great shot of a male.

I’m keeping them in black water with pvc caves on the bottom and a film canister floating on the surface. The males spend some time in the floating canister but the only spawns I observed were in the tube on the bottom.

These aren’t spawning frequently for me; I’ve only noticed one or two spawns int he 6 months that I’ve had the fish. The spawn didn’t seem to be triggered by anything in particular, although it might’ve been from a temperature swing that I didn’t notice.

Fry were typical Paro fry, able to eat baby brine shrimp as a first food. I have about a dozen fry which are growing slowly but steadily. So far the fry show bolder colors than the parents.