I got these guys from Frank Greco in July. After several shifts into ever-smaller accommodations, they’ve finally produced a handful of fry.
I’m not sure if I’m the first to have this species spawn in captivity, but they’re a new and largely undocumented import. So, for the record, here’s a photo of my high-tech breeding setup:
That’s a 20-liter tank with no filter, a bunch of moss, some snails, and six hiding thacbaensis.
24° C
250ppm tds
pH ~6.0
kH very low
food: ‘Tetra Tropical Crisps’ plus the occasional frozen bloodworm and/or frozen baby brine shrimp
The low pH might matter, since I didn’t get fry in any of their previous tanks which had a pH of 7+
The other two species in this genus have very bright reflective stripes as juveniles; I’m curious to see if thacbaensis follows suit, and what color the stripe is.